Music with political and social satire. An irreverent look at the collective consciousness, from Halliburton to the Cheeseburger, from Jesus to Barbie. is here to promote music, the arts and social causes.
The Music Lost and Found is a radio show dedicated to bringing back high quality music that speaks of
the human condition - not a strictly commercial production, as with the Musical Industrial Complex.
Iambroadband is an open system here for people interested in the arts and causes of import in society today.
It can be listening to “The Music Lost and Found” presenting songs once well known but now forgotten or undiscovered gems describing the human experience.
Also represented here are the Visual Arts, Dance, Film, Theater, Social Causes and many others. We will do our very best to present work that reflects the spirit of the time and expresses the human narrative in compelling and inspiring ways.
This is an ongoing and expanding project. If you want to participate with, please contact us at and show us or let us hear your work.
Music Lost & Found Playlists
Full length versions of the music on our playlists.
After each show, we provide a link so you can listen to the complete version of each song of each playlist.
Fill out the form below and your email will only be used for new show alerts and links to playlists.
Copyright Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Playlists are collections of tracks that you can create for listening at different occasions or places, or to suit your mood. They are replacing the concept of an album today (though you will always be able to listen to complete albums with Napster).
Any Music Lost & Found Playlist can be rapidly saved to become one of your Napster Playlists, and you can add or delete songs on this playlist instantly, or add them to other playlists you’ve saved.
Saving the playlist just involves clicking the 3 dots to the right of the Sign Out, and then clicking on the "Create" for the "Save Songs" Playlist box. It will then appear as a playlist in your Napster account with web app, or desktop app.
This whole process takes about 4 seconds.
You can save the ultimate personal library of Music you like for your Home Stereo, or your car or phone..You have a library of over 40 Million songs that is yours as a Napster user , and the playlists will help you to play what you want to hear, at any given moment.