Expand your Music Collection

Show 9

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Playlist 9

Show 9: The Beach Boys, Curtis Mayfield, The Beatles, Billie Preston and Ronnie Lane

Whys & Hows

Music listening made better, easier, and for everywhere

Hear the superiority of Streaming Music and Napster - to FM Radio and Internet Radio

If you want to listen to music for 20 minutes or for many hours, for the event or for the MOOD you are in, there is usually an optimal first song, then 2nd song, 3rd and so forth, where the feel and sound of each song is best when YOU chose the songs and the order. We will be showing you how to easily use playlists with almost nothing to learn. When you hear ideal playlists made for you, you should like them much more than CD's or FM Radio. We will be sending you an email in the next few minutes, with links to each use of Playlists and each “how-to”. Each how to will have a quick written explanation, and anything even mildly complicated will have a video explanation showing how visually. Learn How to USE a Playlist
We see Napster as much better and once you have seen how Youtube Streaming and Playlists are better than Radio Formats, then it would be time to try our FREE 30 DAY TRIAL OF NAPSTER.
Napster gives you an easily browsed Library of your Music, whether on phone or computer. Finding music gets easier and faster, as does sharing. When you see how much better Napster is, and the ease of making Playlists or adding songs to old ones…we think you will feel you must have Napster. We have a No-Risk 30 Day Trial so that you can experience all this for yourself. Everything we do with the Music Lost & Found is better with Napster. Whether on Phone, PC, Tablet or Smart TV, you will want to experience Napster and our Music Lost & Found Playlists on your listening device.
The Music Lost & Found uses “Encyclopedic Human Memory” and experience, of the Best Music from the 60’s and 70’s. Unlike machine algorithms which fail to appreciate the history or culture or the Zeitgeist of the music in this period - John Leaman will bring you Music that the software would never know how to look for or find.
If you had every great album of the 60’s and 70’s, this would be an enormous cost investment. With Napster Streaming you own virtually every song recorded from the 40’s to today, meaning it is your 24/7 and non-stop. It is with you wherever you are, whether via phone, tablet, Smart TV or PC. Unlike a record or CD collection of thousands, with Napster you can find any album, song or Playlist in a few seconds. You have your Music Library with you anywhere you go where you might want music. Napster is $10 per month, cancelled instantly if ever desired, and with playlists transferable to other streaming services, why not have ALL the Music, instead of the handful of songs you could buy for this?
One of the beauties of Napster and streaming, is that with it your phone becomes the ultimate music library and source for playing music. You have over 40 millions songs and all these albums…and all your playlists on your phone. It sends music to your car stereo either via Bluetooth or a cable out of the headphone jack. A different cable can send music to your home stereo, with a 3.5 mm jack to RCA plug cable.

While FM Radio style music can be pleasing to listen to, you can never count on it to be playing exactly the songs you would like most, in exactly the order you would like for the mood you are in, or for the mood of the social gathering you would be playing the music for. Genre based Internet Radio fails for the same reasons. With the Music Lost & Found combined with Napster Playlists, you will rapidly find exactly the songs you like most, you can put them in the precise playing order you would like for any listening purpose, and you can also modify these at any time in seconds. You can also SHARE these playlists with friends and family. Music Discovery with MLF and Napster takes on a great new ease and enjoyment, as the moment you are exposed to a new song you really like, in 4 seconds you can add this to a playlist of your choosing. This is a “game changer” for the growth of your personal music library!